We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.”
― Zeno

How to express?

The process of expressing oneself can be done in two ways – by writing and by speaking it up. Let us compare the pros and cons of each method:

Express by Speaking Express by Writing Advantages of Speaking
It takes less time compared to writing It takes more time compared to speaking Advantage
Can be done at anytime Need a specific mood as it is time consuming Advantage
You need somebody to listen You can be on your own Disadvantage
You can speak up only those thoughts that come to your mind while expressing You can write as and when you recollect or something comes up in your mind Disadvantage
The listening person might be helpful in some way or the other No one except you comes to know about your thoughts and no help obtained Advantage
No tension of keeping or hiding the hard copies Risk of written material being discovered by somebody Advantage
Risk of knowing person spreading the info Risk of information being spread widely when discovered by somebody Advantage
You gain the feeling that somebody heard you You don’t get a feeling of yourself being heard Advantage
The listening person can help you in speaking out thoughts by asking questions You are on your own and might get entangled in putting down your thoughts Advantage

As we can see from the above chart that expressing your thoughts by speaking up is more advantageous as compared to writing them down.


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